Monday, February 23, 2009


I probably shouldn't be writing right now; it's 2:11pm in the afternoon in Mongolia (15 hours ahead of Denver)... and here I am, back in Colorado. I've been back for almost two days.

I've tried to be outside as much as possible. I'm trying to get in rhythm with the sun, so that it doesn't take so long to feel 'normal' again...

on the plane, I met a Chinese-born man who's become a citizen of the UK. We talked about the market crash, and then he said: "Americans will hopefully learn a thing or two from this. In China, my parents' and everyone in their generation have spent their lives saving 50% of their income."

50%. That's an amazing number. I'm going to try to save 50% of my income from this week and feel how good that feels.

My flight was delayed. I spent an extra day in Mongolia, and then an extra one in Beijing. I realized that I know Beijing better than I know San Francisco. I took a cab from my hotel to the outermost point of the city subway; got lost for about three stops, but then got oriented and walked myself to the best street vendor in all the city (before then visiting a wonderful noodle shop, where a huge bowl of fresh, delicious noodles cost about $1.20.

I slept on the plane.

And now I'm home, listening to the washing machine begin to clean away the smell of coal that lingers...

1 comment:

Baika Puntsag said...

Hey Su,

It's good to hear that you are back in Denver. I am sure that you have adjusted with your old life style. I am impressed that you can save 50 percent of your income. Good luck!

B from UB :)