Monday, January 12, 2009

$3 Cokes and Mariah Carey music videos

I just got home from California Restaurant, located about two blocks from my apartment. I'd been in my apartment all afternoon (reading, mostly), and when it came time to finish prepping for tomorrow's class, I wanted to get out.

California Restaurant mimics the 'average American diner'. My Mongolia guidebook explains that its menu is designed after those of "Denny's", and somehow here, where there still is no such thing as McDonald's or Starbucks, it's actually nice to find a place that serves food that isn't Mongolian or Korean. I sat at the bar, ordered a chicken sandwich, coke, and started typing up my lessons... aware all along that Mongolians typically don't go to public places (restaurants) with their computers to do work. I think I got a lot of looks, but I decided not to worry about it.

Sometimes I want to adapt to Mongolian culture, and sometimes I'm perfectly happy maintaining my own.

The fun part was the music video selection. Tonight from my perch, I watched a full collection of Mariah Carey music videos, and had a little fun picturing what one would know or understand of American culture, through 1) her music and 2) her dancing...


Unknown said...

Apparently Mariah Carey knows no borders. Hope Mongolia is treating you well Suz.


suzabelle said...

wow, Brandon, that's terrible. Thanks for the link... I tried my best to watch it the whole way through - it wasn't easy...